If you are a part of the Settlement Class you may use this form to make a claim for reimbursement for documented out-of-pocket expenses, attested lost time, and/or extraordinary losses, as well as enroll in free credit monitoring services.
The Settlement Class includes: All individuals in the United States who were impacted by the Data Incident, including all who were sent a notice of the Data Incident that occurred on or around September 1 to September 5, 2023.
Data Incident means the data security incident that occurred between September 1, 2023 and September 5, 2023, whereby an unknown and unauthorized criminal actor gained access to Mulkay’s network and accessed certain current and former patients’ Private Information that Mulkay collected and maintained.
Private Information means the information potentially accessed during the Data Incident, including individual names, Social Security numbers, and medical information.
To start your online claim form, please login using the Notice ID & PIN printed on the Notice that was sent to you. If you are unable to locate your ID & PIN, please contact us at (866) 675-2206 or by emailing Please request your Notice ID & PIN by providing the your full name and mailing address.